Povering, recording and analyzing sleep.

Name Sleep Monitor - Schlaftracker Sleep Monitor - Schlaftracker is the most famous version in the Sleep Monitor - Schlaftracker series of publisher Fasting APP Group
Publisher Fasting APP Group
Genre الصحة واللياقة البدنية
Version v2.8.7.1
Update فبراير 10, 2025
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🎅 How did you sleep last night? 🌛

With Sleep Monitor you can track and record details about the sleep cycle. The sleep monitor also has an intelligent alarm clock, which reminds you to sleep early in the night and gently wake it up in the morning. In addition, Sleep Monitor offers relaxing music so that you can sleep better.

Main characteristics:
📊- NEW: Sleeping trends
Improving sleep quality and developing better sleeping habits with weekly and monthly data statistics.

🎙- tones
Sleep monitor draws snoring, dream talks or teeth grinding during sleep, listens to it and learns more about her sleep the next morning! For fun!

💤- Sleeping habits.

📲- sleep cycles
sleepers have 4 or 5 sleep cycles during the night. Usually run asleep for four sleep phases in a sleep cycle: non-Rem 1 (between guards and sleep), non-Rem 2 (light sleep), non-rem 3 (deep sleep) and Rem (Rapid Eye Movement) if most of the dream happens) Sleep. These steps run cyclically from 1 to Rem and then start again with level 1.

Sleep Monitor uses both microphone and accelerator sensors to measure body movements and ambient noise changes and then help them to recognize their sleep phases.
The sleep monitor is particularly helpful for those who want to check how your sleep is and do not want to invest in accessories such as a smart band or a smartwatch.
⏰ – Smart Wecker
For your waking up or nap in the morning or set a memory for the bedtime.

🎵- so calming lullabies
Listen to high-quality relaxing music to calm down a frenzied mind before going to bed. Sleep quickly with different types of sleeping noises.

✍ – Sleeping notes
Make short notes for your sleep. Write down everything you want to never forget. or is characterized.
– people who want to carry out a self-diagnosis, whether there are signs of poor sleep quality. Put your Android cell phone near your pillow or bed
√ Sleep alone to avoid disorders
√ Make sure that the battery is sufficient
📝 BR> User of the free version can save the last 7 sleeping records on the phone. Users of the PRO version can save up to 30 current sleep data records on the app page and secure all course data records in the cloud memory.

🔐 Enjoy Sleep Monitor Pro
√ Suit the sleep factors
√ Download audio recordings
√ Save 30 and secure all sleep recordings
√ Switch all sleep music, sleep notes and sleep trends free
√ No advertising
❤️ FAQ
http: // Sleep. emobistudio.com/faq/index.html

make sure your bedroom is calm, dark and cool. Feel relaxed before going to bed.
Hope you sleep like a baby!

We are thrilled to announce that the latest version of Sleep Monitor is now available; In the new version, we have made a major update to the alarm function and launched the smart alarm function. We have also fixed known bugs to ensure that you get a better sleep tracking experience. Download the latest version and start enjoying an improved sleep quality monitoring experience!

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